Tuesday, 16 December 2014

Ebola Facts

The Ebola is a kind of disease that is primarily caused by 1 of the 5 types of Ebola Viruses. Ebola Viral Infections can be a case of illness at its early stage to individuals. Of the 5 Ebola Viruses, 4 of them can be a cause of severe kind of illness in animals and even in humans. The 5th one is known as the Reston Virus and research facts could analyze that there are illness caused from this virus and is seen to have affected the animals but humans are not affected by it.

It is known that the 1st outbreak of the Ebola in human was during the year 1976, one in the southern Sudan and other in Northern Zaire which is now the Democratic Republic of the Congo in Central Africa. The Virus got its name of Ebola after its first recognition in the year 1976 and after the river “Ebola River” where it was initially found as per the Centre for Disease Control & Prevention.

Ebola is a kind that is highly infectious but it is also not contagious on extreme ground. Ebola is infectious and various experiments in a laboratory on the primates (Non-Human) suggest that even an individual virus is more than enough to cause a case of fatal infection. Ebola is considered to be contagious on a moderate scale as the virus can’t be transmitted in air. Human beings can get the Ebola Virus Infection and also get infected when they come in direct contact with any other infected human’s body fluids or any kind of objects that are contaminated from the infected humans. 

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