Monday, 19 October 2015

Market Research Techniques: Kick-starting a Startup Business

We have heard about the battle plan of startup business. Yes, it is really like going to a war, but, only a pleasant one. However, competitors and challenges are always up to the neck, making some rethink on wading back to gates or plunging straight into bustling industry. Here are some clever market research techniques devised to be the armor for every struggling or advancing startup firm.
Know the Industry and Consumers

Going in with big dreams is always good, but not without being knowledgeable about the target industry and consumers. The scope of your firm’s product/services completely depends on the available or created demand, and relevance of the same in industry. Be unique and out of the box in striking a bond with customers, but do not go off track. For e.g. you cannot force people to eat rice, if they really love to have wheat food products, but, you can introduce wheat cake than wheat cookies (which could be their staple snack).

Be Attentive to Opponents

What the competitors are doing, thinking, and strategizing does hold the noose to your success. We are not advising you to mimic the key players, but learn from their experiences and mistakes. A good market research and analysis will inform you about the competitor’s weaknesses, which could be exploited for own benefit. Launch what they cannot, do what they have not, to pocket most of the customers. Axe down the threats you face, and play on the strengths.

Have a Backup Plan

Going with a strong and steady plan for startup business is a safe way, but even safer is to have a backup up plan for progress. It is just a precautionary and a smart measure, in case the current strategy faces a hindrance, asking a lot of efforts to re-initialize the same newly. Get expert business professionals who are quick to undertake market research technique for an apt alternative, if something goes wrong.

Unleash your Master Skills

Do not reveal all your aces at ones, keep some for later and take the competitors by surprise. By this, we do not mean to not take the right step when needed. But, startups are thought as weaklings. However, you can depict how strong you are by moving the pawn at accurate moments with the master skills the company professionals have been hiding all the while. Draw a relative and thorough run of market research and analysis to acquaint with business do’s and don’ts.